How does acupuncture work?

Scientific research studies have revealed the following actions of acupuncture:

  • inducing analgesia (pain reducer)

  • protecting the body against infections

  • regulating various physiological functions (ie: digestion, respiration, immune)

During an acupuncture treatment, needles are inserted at various points located on channels throughout the body. In TCM Theory, these points help to balance the flow of energy and life force (chi or qi) that flows along the pathways. Many acupuncture points are located alongside fascial planes and connected to neural structures, which when activated, trigger the body to produce endorphins and release opioids that help to relieve pain and aid in regulating hormones while also supporting healthy cortisol levels.

Does it hurt?

Acupuncture needles are thinner than a hair! In fact up to 40 acupuncture needles can fit inside a doctor’s standard needle. Sensations vary upon insertion from completely painless to a quick pinch, with most people feeling very little if any discomfort.

My approach at Mama’s is to be as gentle as possible. I will walk you through the treatment and you will always have a call button available to reach me during the duration of your session. Please know that there is never a point you absolutely have to have and we will make easy adjustments if they are needed.

It is common to feel a heavy, dull, achy or tingling sensation (more commonly felt in the arms) or even the sensation that something is “moving” within the body while the needles are in. Most clients receiving acupuncture go into a deep and restorative state during treatment, some even call it an acu-high!

How many treatments will I need?

TCM focuses on preventative care but is often used to treat acute and long-term issues such as injuries, chronic pain, hormone imbalance, ED, and infertility to name a few.

My approach focuses on your specific needs with each treatment plan tailored for you. Treatment plans range in duration and number of sessions depending on what your health goals are. Here are some examples of general recommendations for clients:

Period Support - Painful periods, PCOS, irregular periods, anovulation, fibroids, endometriosis and more - 1x a week for a minimum of 3 months alongside appropriate herbal supplementation, lifestyle and nutritional guidelines.

Fertility Support - Those with a prior history of irregular periods, anovulation, miscarriages, or a long history of trying to conceive with no success - 1x a week for a minimum of 3 months up to a year. *In order to support you appropriately, I need at least 3 months during which you are not actively attempting to conceive. This allows me to fully support you during each phase of your cycle before trying to conceive.

IUI and IVF Support - 1x a week while going through the IVF process, additionally once before transfer and once after transfer (within 24 hours). During pregnancy as needed based on pregnancy symptoms.

Acute Injury - 2-3x a week for three weeks. Tapering out as the pain and inflammation decreases.

Chronic Headaches - 2-3x a week until headaches subside. Then 1-2x a month for preventative care and maintenance.

Acupuncture affects are cumulative! As you continue to receive care, effects last longer and you are able to space out treatments. It is better to invest in consecutive treatments for a shorter time period than to space out treatments to the point where you are constantly making up the progress you achieved. For example, I had a dear client with a history of horrible migraines who was coming in once a week for two months. After her immediate pain dissipated, she was able to space out her sessions to twice a month and then down to once a month as preventative care.

*Monthly packages are available on the booking page. I offer this in the hopes that for those who need more frequent care, there is an accessible option to support you. Please reach out to me directly if you do not have the resources to receive the care you need.

What should I expect at my first appointment?

*Please make sure to fill out your intake and consent forms online before your first appointment! Thank you!

At your first session, we will review your main concerns and health history to understand your goals and how I can best support you. The intake may include more detailed discussion of your medical history as well as an examination of your tongue and pulse. We will come up with a treatment plan that works well with your budget and daily lifestyle. You will be able to ask me any questions you have about acupuncture, the treatment, and your health!

After the intake, you will have time to find a comfortable space on the massage table. You can wear whatever you want to the session as there are always Turkish towels to use if you need to change. When you are ready, I will begin inserting the acupuncture needles which takes about 7-12 minutes. After making sure you are comfortable and warm, I will leave you on the table for 35 minutes. A call button will always be given to you so that you can reach me at any time during your treatment.

Once your session is over, I will remove the needles for you and check in to see how you are doing. You will be able to ask me any remaining questions you may have.

At each consecutive treatment we will check in on your progress and adjust our approach as necessary for the most effective results.

Are the needles clean?

Yes. Always!

The needles used at Mama’s Acupuncture are single use only. Made by AcuFast, these needles are high quality surgical-grade stainless-steel for smooth, uniform, and painless insertion. The use of gamma ray sterilization means harmful emissions caused by ethylene oxide sterilization commonly used in the needle industry are eliminated. AcuFast needles are also the first environmentally low-impact acupuncture needles with biodegradable packaging, reduced and recyclable plastic materials.

Are there any side effects?

Although short lived, common side effects can include soreness and minor bleeding or bruising where the needles are inserted.

Please note that treatments can also support emotional release. If you have been holding a lot in for a long time, acupuncture may trigger feelings you may not have realized were there. Please known that the clinic is and will always be a safe space for you to flow through them. If you ever need any extra support post-treatment, please let me know.

Can I receive acupuncture if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?

Yes! Acupuncture during pregnancy can help with nausea, morning sickness, lower back pain, anxiety, and insomnia.

Post-pregnancy, acupuncture can help with fatigue, balancing hormone levels, depression and anxiety.

Please make sure to let me know if you are trying to get pregnant or may possibly be pregnant as there are various points that are contraindicated during pregnancy.

What type of training do Licensed Acupuncturists have?

Acupuncturists have a minimum of a three-year Master’s degree with scientific coursework and clinical practicum that encompasses over 600 hours of practical needling classes and 650 hours of clinical hours treating patients with supervision.

In order to practice acupuncture, acupuncturists are required to be licensed in the state in which they work. Additional accreditation includes NCCAOM (The National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine) who administers the national board examinations for the profession.

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