How to support the longevity of your face + skin with microneedling.



  • What IS microneedling?

  • What to EXPECT?

  • What is nano needling?

  • facial rejuvenation tipS

Microneedling BENEFITS. . .

Helps to relieve acne scars, fine lines, deep wrinkles, sun spots and support hair growth on the scalp.

Cost effective! There are no consultation fees and results last for YEARS.

Minimally invasive with minimal side effects

Effective at Increasing collagen by up to 400% and topical absorption by 3000%


Enhances health and longevity of the skin by increasing blood circulation to the face.

What is microneedling?

Microneedling, or collagen induction therapy (CIT) is an alternative and natural way to improve the appearance of your skin, prevent aging, fine lines and wrinkles, and promote longevity.

It works by creating microscopic punctures in the various layers of the skin. The body responds to these micro-injures by creating new cells and promoting collagen production. This response makes skin tighter and smoother in the area treated, improves the appearance of the skin, and encourages serum topical absorption by 3000%, which is great for sun spots and pigmentation issues such as melanoma.

In one study, skin treated with four microneedling sessions spaced one month apart, produced up to a 400% increase in collagen and elastin six months after completing treatment.

Other benefits of microneedling come from increased circulation to the face and scalp that helps bring oxygen and nutrients to the face to support healthy, vibrant skin, and support optimal hair growth.


Microneedling can be used throughout the year to prevent long-term aging and support cell turn over and collagen production for youthful, glowing skin, or to treat specific concerns and issues such as acnes scars, wrinkles, sagging skin and pigmentation. The number of sessions you may need varies and can be discussed with your practitioner. Most studies look at the short and long term effects of consecutive sessions, four weeks apart in a six month time frame for best results. Specific concerns such as melasma, work best when used in conjunction with brightening topicals. Check out places that offer microneedling packages which allow clients to get the most benefit at a more affordable cost.

A microneedling session can last anywhere from 20-45 minutes depending on which areas are being treated. For those more sensitive to stimulation on the face, a topical numbing cream can be offered. More sensitive areas tend to be the forehead and cheeks just below the eyes. Immediately after, the skin may feel like a sunburn and appear red for up to 24 hours. During this time use a gentle cleanser, wash with tepid water, don’t wear makeup, avoid the sun at ALL costs, and try to keep sweating down to a minimum. Keep your skin hydrated the following week as the skin is overly sensitive. If it starts to peel in certain areas around the 3-5 day mark, you can use a gentle exfoliator. It’s always a great idea to snap a selfie of yourself before and after your session so you can keep track of your progress- effects can be seen immediately but other enhancements you may notice later!


Nano needling uses the same device as microneedling, but with a different head that encompasses 81 silicone tips instead of needles. It is gentle and effective without puncturing the skin as it only affects the epidermis, treating within the upper .15 mm of the skin. It. can be done weekly or between microneedling treatments to aid in pigmentation reduction, increased cell turnover, skin rejuvenation and an immediate glow with no downtime. This is a great option if you are looking for some quick facial rejuvenation before a fun event or photo-shoot!

facial rejuvenation tips

You can easily support your skin at home with the right tools and products, or even just your own hands!

Some great ways to support glowing skin from home are:

  • Facial Cupping

  • Gua Sha/Gentle Massage

  • Acupuncture Tapping

  • Reiki or Energy Work

  • Antioxidant Rich Diet

  • Non-toxic Products

To learn about all of the great tools listed above check out this article!

To book a MICRONEEDLING session, click below. Packages can be purchased with Erika at your first appointment!